Experienced Doctors

Best Clinical Care
Meet Dr Neha Dhiman
MBBS MD Neuropsychiatry | Ex SR PGIMER Chandigarh | Ex MO AIIMS DDC
Dr Neha Dhiman, a distinguished neuropsychiatrist has been dedicated to providing exceptional medical care to adults and children suffering from behavioural and psychiatric troubles. Armed with MBBS and MD in Neuropsychiatry, she is an expert in management of psychological troubles helping thousands of people achieve best quality of life. She is the only distinguished Child and Adoloscent psychiatrist from IACAM in Panchkula dealing with all types of behavioural troubles in children like academic decline, school refusal ,ADHD, Autism, bedwetting ,mobile addiction, anger issues and many others. Her tenure as Senior Resident in PGIMER Chandigarh and as MO in AIIMS further solidifies her reputation in the field. Dr Neha’s dedication and proficiency were recognized with being awarded thrice by the most premier neurosciences institute NIMHANS Banglore.

We Provide Various Services

Adult Psychiatric Services

Counsellings And Psychotherapy

Child Guidance And Counselling

Career Related Issues

Deaddiction Services

Sexual Problems

Sleep Related Issues

Migraine And Headaches

Prahlad Neuropsychiatry Clinic
Prahlad Neuropsychiatry Clinic is one of the best clinics in tricity, located near main market of sector 6 Panchkula.The clinic is run by Dr Neha Dhiman who has done her MD in Psychiatry from PGIMS Rohtak. She has a wide array of experience. She did senior residency in PGIMER Chandigarh and provided deaddiction services at AIIMS Deaddiction center as medical officer incharge of DDC. She has also worked in IMH Amritsar (Vidyasagar mental hospital, Amritsar).
The team also comprises of a counselor who work in close liason with Dr Neha to provide psychological support.
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Get In Touch With Us!
Prahlad Neuropsychiatry Clinic is one of the best clinics in tricity, located near main market of sector 6 Panchkula.